Romanticizing the Lifestyle. Drinking blood out of a wine glass, draping yourself in black velvet, lounging in a coffin. It's so romantic to the dark at heart, which pisses a few vampires off. Way back in the day (and I mean way back) vampires were considered disease-ridden and disgusting. Even to this day, the vampiric lifestyle isn't all romantic. Some fanged types feel Goths are making a mockery of all the troubles we go through.
The Pose Level. There are times when it's really hard to tell who's a vampire and who's not. Some Goths are really good at hiding there humanity, to the point where it's almost scary. Which annoys some vampires; how do you know that it's really a fellow fang you're talking to, and not just some puny mortal? Not only that, but when you get a bunch of non-goths going on about how Goths are vampires. They're not. Well, not a lot of them.
Of course, most of the vampires who dislike Goths are old fuddy-duddy elitists. There isn't that much to hate, but they do it anyway. Now, as for the reasons why vampires like Goths:
The Acceptance: An entire subculture of people who (most of which) love vampires? Who believe that fangs are totally badass and sleeping in coffins isn't totally freakish? What's not to love? Okay, sure, so nowadays 'regular' teenage girls absolutely love all things vampire. But Goths are a lot less annoying than the twihards.
Their Origins: A large number of vampires turned since the 1980s were Goths, and probably still are. Myself included (I think it's one of the reasons I was attacked... but then again, what do I know?) So yes. A lot of Goths who act VERY MUCH LIKE THE UNDEAD could actually be undead. You never know...
A Place to Hide. Vampire hunters after you? Just head to the local ooky-spooky nightclub of doom! Those sissy hunters won't be able to tell who's a vampire and who's mortal! I mean, seriously. It's a great place to hide out for a while. Plus, the music is awesome.
Well, that's about it. There may be other reasons to love or to hate (or to strongly dislike), but those are the most common ones. A message to any Gothy types who come across a vampire who just does not like them: don't take it like a stake to the heart. There are plenty of other vamps out there who will find your fake fangs absolutely endearing.
As an off-note, remember when I said that a friend was basing a character in her book after me? You can read the first two chapters of Strange Bedfellows, the novel in question. The character Rai is completely amazing, don't you think?
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