April 12, 2011

Well... that was a surprise.

Again with my ultra-creative titles!

Mortals, I have been nominated for a Versatile Blogger Award... strange considering I don't think I'm very versatile. I rant about crap. But then again, who am I to judge? I was nominated by a very lovely miss. Here, have a link to her blog!: Thank you very much for nominating me! And recognizing my warped sense of humour! (Truly, I am flattered!) Now, onto the rules of this award:

1. Thank and link the person who nominated you. Which I have done. Quite fabulously.

2. Share seven random facts about yourself.

3. Pass the award onto fifteen "blogging buddies". (Hmm. That's a... cute word. Wait... fifteen? How am I supposed to get fifteen??)

4. Contact said "buddies" (...) and congratulate them. Again, Hmm....

Okay, so... seven random facts.

1. I am a vampire. (I know I know. Not very 'random' or surprising... but hey. It's a fact).

2. I can't remember what my natural hair colour is. I think it's a light brownish blonde... or something. I don't know. It's black-blue-green right now, that's all I can say.

3. I think type O blood is the nastiest stuff on earth. Seriously. It sucks, and not in an awesome vampire-type way.

4. If I didn't have to go to school and could focus all my efforts on doing things that are really important to me... well... I'd be an airship pirate by now.

5. My biggest guilty pleasure would have to be those cheesy supernatural romance YA novels. Why? 'Cause they make me feel smart? No... that's not it... because they are all amazingly well-written and have incredibly deep plots and well-rounded characters? Ha, fat chance.... Guess it's a mystery...

6. I have a t-shirt that says I ♥ VAMPIRES on it. And I wear it proudly. Damn proudly.

7. I'm really on a mini tophat/parasol/bustle kick lately... and I don't really know why.

Now, for my fifteen blogs.... oh, who am I kidding? I don't know fifteen blogs. I don't read that many. This is going to be a challenge...

The Ultimate Goth Guide

A lovely and very informative guide to... something... I think it starts with a 'g'...

Club For Change

A club at my school that I am a part of. We talk about our 'missions' for the club and whatnot. Hopefully it'll get more active...

The General Specific

Or whatever..... A mortal friend's tumblr, full of interesting thingy-ma-bobs.

Hmm... three. I guess that's a start. I'll probably be updating this as time goes on and I find more blog-type-thingies. Until next time!


Anonymous said...

LOL Airship Pirate XD
Just keep in mind the HOTEL IDEA. (You know, the "I would like some rooms for me and my airship pirate crew please," thing XD)

You know damn well who this is by now... but just in case:
~Mara XD

Lucidia-Rai LeFang said...

I'm definately waiting for a chance to say that. XD

Anonymous said...

I wanna hear the resultas XD (french for result, btw)